Thursday, May 9, 2013

Mount Longonot (0°54′55″S 36°27′25″E)

 Whew that was a long day, we just got back from Mount Longonot and we had to drive for 74 miles in a bus. Let me tell you, if you ever travel to Africa makes sure there is air conditioning on the bus and you have water. While at the mountain we also saw many animals roaming around. Here are just a few facts about Mount Longonot:
-Elevation is 9,111 ft.
-Last eruption around 1863
-The name Longonot originates from the Masaai word Oloonong'ot, meaning "mountain of steep ridges"

Traveling to Mount Longonot made it a lot more fun to learn about the African tectonic plate which covers Africa. Interestingly the plate is about the same shape as Africa it just extends farther. It moves about 2.15 cm each year for about the past 100 million years towards the northeast direction. This plate is surrounded by many other plates (North American, Arabian, Indo-Australian, Eurasian, Anatolian and Antarctic plate), most of them having a divergent boundary.
A divergent boundary is one of the three main types of plate boundaries, also known as a rift boundary or a spreading boundary. This is when two parts of the outer earth move apart. Sometimes when something called se-floor spreading happens molten rock cools and forms a new oceanic crust. As the crust gets older the rift valleys (valleys that in the center of the mid-ocean ridge) move away from the mid-ocean ridge.

Something interesting I learned about earthquakes and volcanoes, is that you are able to tell where the plate boundaries are by the locations of where there have been earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. 

This occurs when two plates push towards each other, pull away or slide past each other. There is strain and it soon becomes too great, so fractures form which creates earthquakes. High heat flows through these boundaries and molten rock moves towards the surface which causes volcanic action.


Well I have one more day until I leave for the next country, but I have to check my plane ticket to find out my destination. Hope you are 

some things, I sure am. See you in the next place.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow, your facts are very interesting and precise! Nice job. - Mel :) (ED-Y)
